Friday, October 21, 2011

31 Days to a Better Me Day 21

Only ten more day til I can stop going on and on about myself and start to get to some serious housey goodness!!  I can hardly wait.

Today I want to talk about something that I do (unintentionally) all the time.

I rarely stop to take it all in.  I know that life is going faster and faster, and my kids seem to be growing at an even more accelorated rate.  However, I get to going so fast just trying to keep up that I rarely take the time to enjoy it. 

Today, on our way home from school the sun was bright the temperature was nice and it was a perfect autumn afternoon.  I rarely give my children candy, but today I bought each one of the boys a push pop.  As we were driving and they were happily enjoying their candy I saw the true beauty of the day.

The sweet candy smell, 3 shiny happy faces enjoying the comradery of brotherhood, the sun on my skin, this life that we are given is a true blessing!  I want to notice it more, I think it would make me a better person!

If you have not checked it out go over and check out Stacy at Conspicuous Style and check out her inspiration post here.  The photos are to die for!!  I want it all!

Also the Nester had a great  post that should be missed!  It really spoke to me.

If this is your first time visiting I wanted to say thanks for coming.  Feel free to leave me a comment,  it is like stopping to smell the blog roses!!


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