Thursday, January 26, 2012

$5 Table Runner

I have been down for the count the past couple of days with a cold, but before that happened I had planned to share my new table runner.

I find this weird season between Christmas and Spring is a little difficult time to decorate.  Everything feels cold...probably because it is dark and cold outside. 

So after Christmas I wanted to find a new table runner.  The problem; because there just always has to be a problem, is that standard table runners that I find are just too dinky.  They are neither long nor wide enough.  I have only found one ready made runner that has been the dimensions that I wanted and that was from Pottery Barn...which is three hours away, and usually not in the budget.  So I find my self making my own.

So here is what I did:

First I went bargain shopping and found a curtain panel on clearance that had the look of burlap.  The nice thing about making a runner out of a curtain panel is that it is plenty long enough and wide enough to make two table runners.  The bonus of this particular panel was that it was only $10, (originally $40, woot woot) and like I said I have enough to make another table runner too. 

I cut off the existing hems and the top, I could have saved some fabric and used a seam ripper...but I hate ripping out seams it makes me want to rip out my hair.  So it was just worth it to me to just cut them off.  Then I simple cut the panel in half lengthwise.  This took some time to make sure that I was cutting straight and exactly in half but overall pretty painless.

So I had a small amount of fabric left over from making some throw pillows and I added it too the ends of the curtain panel runner.

 I used a simple straight stitch and hemmed all the way around.  Ran an iron over it, and Voila!!  Table runner that coordinates with my living room!  Yay.

The only thing left that I need was some new chargers. I find that if I use chargers then my boys have less of a chance to muck my runner all up.  I like plastic ones so that I can easily clean them like 37 times a day.  By the way little boys are messy.

I found these awesome faux bois plastic chargers at Pier One.  They are rocking my world.

I really like how it all turned out.  Not too fussy just right, I kinda need less fuss after the Christmas storm blows through my house.

So what are you up to?  Got any simple sewing projects going on?  This one was sooo easy I literally completed it from start to finish in the time it took the hubs to cook dinner...HOLLA!


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  1. I love this idea! I was just thinking about making a burlap runner for my dining room table. I haven't even thought of checking the curtain isle. Awesome idea!
    Sherry's Bees Nest

  2. what a perfect touch!! love it!
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