Sunday, October 30, 2011

31 Days to a Better Me day 30

I have to tell you that my big boys were out of school Thursday and Friday for parent/teacher conferences.  And my husband is out of town with the military.   So by last night we had all been in the house with no breaks from each other for 3 days.  I tried to work on projects and my boys tried to "help" with those projects. 

I was talking on the phone with my sister last night, and I think she just recognized a mother who needed a break.  She said "hey, why don't I come get the boys and we can have a sleep over!!"  At first I thought "No, I am fine"  (shhhh don't tell anyone but, I have a hard time accepting help...don't tell)  Then I thought "hey why not".

I used to spend time alone all the time.  I like it.  I have been surrounded by my little people so long that I have forgotten how much I enjoy being alone. 

I did a little shopping (for more projects), I finished a quilt that I made for my niece yesterday, I watched TV, it was great. 

I think that it is good sometimes to let someone else take the reins and just do me for a minute.  You know what else... I miss my kids!

Spending some time alone made  me a better me!

                                                         Bring on the sweat pants!

Thanks for coming by and looking, feel free to leave me a comment.  I am just hanging out!!


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